Sunday, May 27, 2012

This site has been moved!

Please find me at

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Nicholas Sparks House party

What, What!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Our car has died.

Yesterday I got a call from Jim, saying his car was shifting hard and that he had to have it looked at. Our car guy said it sounded like a speed sensor which is a cheap repair, but of coarse if could still be the transmission. He dropped it off last night, making us a one car family and killing my plans for the day.

Today we got a call. not a speed sensor, maybe not the transmission, but for sure the engine had 2 bad cylinders, which costs $$$ to fix. Then after the engine is repaired, the transmission may or may not need fixed, also $$$. for a car that we OWN without a payment, but is only worth... a little. For sure not worth as much as the car's repair bills could be.

So our little red Saturn is sitting over at the mechanic's. Full tank of gas, newly changed oil, recently repaired belt and tire. We are giving up on you little Saturn car. We can in no way afford to keep fixing you, only to have you let us down again.

And we will be a one car family.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What's next??

The Date is Wrong on this, actually posted 2/22/12?? =)
I just found this under drafts:

"It's funny how things work themselves out. When I decided that I wanted to be a stay at home mom, I thought that I would be home with my kids at least until the all hit kindergarten. I had even convinced myself that after they were all in school that I would slowly take classes just 2 days a week so that I could be around for field trips and soccer games. How could I have guessed that my dream job would find me?"

It's funny, sometimes I forget how much this job was meant for me. How it fell right into my lap at exactly the right time. Now Jim is finishing up with school this semester and I have told him it's my turn. Which is very scary for me. I have gone back and forth with what I want to do next. I wanted to find something that would complement what I am doing now instead of replace it. I had something in mind, and spoke to my boss about it. I had thought it was too ambitious, something I couldn't do right now.

But my boss thought it would be perfect for me and is helping me make the connections. I am taking the steps now, filling out the paperwork, looking for people in the field that can give me advice. I'm not quite ready to give it away yet, but I'm pretty excited. keep me in your prayers!!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Me time.

I am at the bittersweet time in my life when I know that I am done having kids and I am ready to move on to the next phase of our life as a family. It's a little sad knowing that I will never again have that feeling of holding my baby for the first time. That instant, first time love. That feeling of breastfeeding my child and knowing that I am the most important person in their entire life. I love watching them grow, I just wish they would do it a little slower.

With the bad comes the good though. I am very proud of the young men that they are becoming. I love leaving the house without a diaper bag or having to prep for outings. I love that even little Landon can have a conversation with me. I love that once in a while I am still the center of their world and they want nothing more that to sit on my lap and cuddle with me. And now that they are getting older and I am working part time I am starting to feel like more than just mom. I feel like me again sometimes. I am going to spend my birthday weekend away from the boys. Just me and Jim. We are going to Cedar Point on Saturday and on Sunday we are going to sleep until we get kicked out of our hotel room.
Then in August, I will most likely going to Nashville for 5 days with MOPS! I am going to Columbus for work for 3 days at the end of August, too. It feels a little weird to be leaving them, but I am so excited for the time for myself.